Version History
Tomb Raider Mod Launcher
- 1.0.12
- Cleanup OpenSSL to fix memory leaks on quit
- Fixed MultiplePlayerSupport linkage
- Opt curl into websockets
- 1.0.11
- Updated zlib to 1.3.1
- Updated libpng to 1.6.43
- Updated curl to 8.9.1
- 1.0.10
- Added extra logging when checking for an update
- Use https for the update server
- Supress Gdiplus background thread
- Use CURL_GLOBAL_DEFAULT instead of CURL_GLOBAL_WIN32 when initialising curl
- Initialise COM before Gdiplus and cleanup CRYPTO to avoid memory leaks
- Removed the word "Legacy" from multiplayer
- Renamed HackSupport.dll to TombRaiderModLauncher.dll (it contains everything static linked together)
- Mark as compatible with modern versions of Windows
- 1.0.9
- Static link project to remove need for the Visual C++ runtime
- Upgrade third party libraries
- Fixes for possible injection issues (before the dlls was injeced in the wrong order)
- Improved compatibility and futureproofing
- 1.0.8
- Addresses input issues and potential crashes relating to the window procedure
- 1.0.7
- Updated squirrel
- Improved rendering
- Fixed corruption issues
- 1.0.6
- Updates all third party libraries to newest versions (squirrel to 3.1 stable as opposed to the old 3.0.7)
- Fixes an issue in the font rendering that could lead to a crash
- Adds support for emoji
- Adds support for png fonts
- Adds support for clipboard operations in the chatbox
- Runtime is used as a dll to avoid issues in the modules (notice on downloads page for new requirements)
- GDIPlus used for image loading to avoid dependency on libpng
- UTF8 used rather than UTF16 (halves memory usage for strings)
- Fixed a hang on quit
- 1.0.5
- Fix 2D rendering
- Update third party libraries (squirrel libpng zlib etc.)
- Provide a few additional functions for things like managing the inventory
- 1.0.4
- 1.0.3
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.1
- 1.0
- 0.3 Alpha
- 0.2.8 Alpha
- 0.2.7 Alpha
- 0.2.6 Alpha
- 0.2.5 Alpha
- 0.2.4 Alpha
- 0.2.3 Alpha
- 0.2.2 Alpha
- 0.2.1 Alpha
- 0.2 Alpha
- 0.1.3 Alpha
- 0.1.2 Alpha
- 0.1.1 Alpha
- 0.1 Alpha